Tuesday 12 December 2017

21 Natural Ways To Reduce Wrinkles On Your Skin

21 Natural Ways To Reduce Wrinkles On Your Skin 

Wrinkles occur as part of the natural aging process, when the collagen and elastin in the connective tissue of the skin become weak and break down due to changes in fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin.

Unfortunately, when skin ages it loses its collagen, which is the skin’s main tightening protein responsible for creating a smooth taut surface. This makes everyone susceptible to the fine lines, sagging and hollowness that appear on the face. The effects of aging on the dermal layer are significant. Not only does the dermal layer thin, but also less collagen is produced. With those odds against you, how do you prevent wrinkles?

Premature or excess wrinkles can also be caused by factors like too much exposure to sunlight or harsh environments, smoking, use of certain drugs, excessive stress, sudden weight loss, loss of vitamin E, and genetic predisposition.

For many people, the quest for younger-looking skin is a constant battle. Pharmaceutical companies have produced countless numbers of expensive pills, lotions, and masks that boast the ability to prevent or reduce the signs of aging, but at what cost?
Fortunately, there are natural alternatives for combating wrinkles which are effective, inexpensive, and good  for your body.

Here I Have Compiled For You Things To Do And Foods To Eat To Avoid Or Treat Wrinkles 

Avoid  Over Washing

The idea that one should wash their face several times each day in order to maintain a beautiful, youthful appearance is something we now know to be untrue. Chemicals in most tap water will strip your face of protective oils without the help of soap. Even if your skin feels greasy and you’re hoping to fight off a breakout, you can still over wash your face, and you might even cause infection. As over-washing strips natural oils, it ends up causing the opposite of what you want to have happen – the skin produces even more oils, so you will find yourself battling a losing battle.

Eat Salmon.

Not only is salmon and other cold-water fish a great source of protein one of the building blocks of great skin it's also an awesome source of an essential fatty acid known as omega-3.

Essential fatty acids help nourish skin and keep it plump and youthful, helping to reduce wrinkles.

Avoid Cigarette Smoke

If you are frequently exposed to secondhand smoke, find ways to avoid it. Studies have shown that cigarette smoke is a damaging factor to your skin, among the very long list of other harmful effects. Secondhand is actually worse than smoking because there is no filter between the toxic chemicals and your lungs.

Smoking accelerates aging, in fact, research has found that on average, smokers look 1.4 years older than non-smokers. That’s because it hampers that blood supply that keeps your skin tissues looking supple and healthy. Cigarette smoke not only contributes to wrinkles, but it can cause the skin to look gray and gaunt. It contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the oxygen in the skin, and nicotine, which reduces blood flow, and leaves the skin dry and discolored.

Smoking cigarettes also depletes many nutrients, like that all-important vitamin C, which helps protect and repair skin damage.
Note : If you currently smoke and want to quit in order to reduce signs of aging, try chewing on licorice root to reduce cravings.

 Use Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant contains malic acid that helps reduce wrinkles by improving the elasticity of the skin.
  • Simply cut an aloe vera leaf from the plant
  • Extract its gel.
  • Apply the fresh gel onto your skin
  • Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Alternatively, you can mix one teaspoon of aloe vera gel with the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Apply the mixture to areas where wrinkles are forming. Leave it on half an hour and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Use Oils

Olive oil was first used over 5,000 years ago when it was extracted from the olive tree, which Egyptians quickly adapted as a cosmetic product. It’s used more often as a moisturizer because it’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and E, which also help to fight the skin-damaging free radicals. 

Take a tablespoon of olive oil and massage it gently into the skin twice a day. It also works to protect against sun damage and after exposure.

Dry skin is far more prone to damage than healthy, moisturized skin.
Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and can prevent the formation of free radicals that are one of the primary causes of early aging. It’s a natural skin-softening moisturizer and contains emollient, which helps reduce wrinkles that have already developed.

Massage into your skin each night before bed to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while you sleep.

Use Ginger

Ginger works as an excellent anti-wrinkle or anti-aging remedy due to its high antioxidant content. Moreover, it helps inhibit the breakdown of elastin, one of the main causes of wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Mix a pinch of grated ginger with a tablespoon of honey.
  • Take  this mixture every morning.
  • You can also drink ginger tea twice daily.


Have Some High-Quality Protein

Protein is used every single day to keep the body going. Because it is used to develop, grow and maintain just about every part of our body, including our skin. If your skin is dull, heals slowly, and retains wrinkles, your diet may be to blame. Protein contains amino acids L-lysine and L-proline, which are very important in the creation of collagen in your body. 

Collagen gives structure to your skin’s tissues. As you get older, your collagen breaks down, which may lead to wrinkles. That means that eating a diet higher in protein will help fortify your collagen levels and therefore make your skin thicker and less prone to wrinkles. 

Foods such as eggs, chicken, bone broth and cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines, as well as some plant foods like hemp seeds, are excellent sources of high-quality proteins that our body needs to regenerate strong, healthy skin cells. You can also purchase collagen peptides to significantly boost your collagen intake. Here’s a great recipe for making your own collagen rich drink. 

Use Carrots

Carrots have a high content of vitamin A, which promotes the production of collagen and helps keep the skin smooth.
  • Boil two or three large carrots in water until they become soft.
  •  Blend the carrots
  • Add some honey to get a paste.
  • Apply it directly on the face.
  • Leave it on for about a half an hour
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Alternatively, you can combine equal portions of carrot juice and honey each morning and evening. You can leave it for about 10 minutes before washing it off.
Note: Also, include raw carrots in your diet.

Use A Cucumber Yogurt Mixture

One cucumber contains B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc. It tightens, lightens, hydrates, and tones the skin, while protecting it from dryness, peeling, or cracking. The smorgasbord of vitamins will help to guard from inflammation, and neutralize free radicles, which are known to cause premature aging.  


  •    Blend  half a cucumber in the blender
  • Add and re-blend mint leaves
  • mix in half a cup of Greek yogurt,
  • put  it in the fridge to  cool it ,
  • Apply this to the face naturally hydrating face mask.

Get Adequate Sleep

When you don't get enough sleep, the body produces excess cortisol, a hormone that breaks down skin cells. Get enough rest, Perricone says, and you'll produce more HGH (human growth hormone), which helps skin remain thick, more "elastic," and less likely to wrinkle.

Enjoy Some Dark Chocolate

Catechins, which are antioxidants naturally found in cocoa, are great for your skin, so here’s your excuse to indulge in some dark chocolate! Researchers have found that cacao beans – a key ingredient in chocolate – offer an added benefit in that they help to prevent wrinkles.

Research has it that chocolate significantly reduces wrinkles on the skin caused by exposure to the sun. The research also has it that cocoa extract may offer a protective effect against wrinkles or dark spots on the skin by halting the breakdown of the dermal matrix, which leads to an overall reduction in wrinkle formation. It works to boost the skin by increasing blood flow as well as improving hydration and skin density.

 Note: Enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate as a snack, dessert, or even as hot cocoa.

Use Egg White Mask

Egg whites are full of protein for tissue repair and growth, potassium to preserve the moisture in skin cells, fiboflavin to eliminate toxins and free radicals that are known to cause wrinkles, and magnesium, which slows down the aging process and makes skin radiant. Egg whites also contain lysozyme, which digests the cell walls of acne-causing bacteria.


·       Mix together one egg white with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
·       add half a teaspoon of honey to reap the antiseptic and antibacterial benefits of honey

Note: Those with oily skins will benefit most from the powerful ingredients in egg whites. It helps to tighten, tone, and shrink pores by reducing excess sebum, otherwise known as the oil secretion from your pores.

 Drink Water

Drinking water is one of the easiest and most effective home remedies for treating wrinkles. Water keeps the body hydrated and maintains the moisture level in the skin. When the body is dehydrated, your skin will generally look older.

Be sure to drink pure, filtered water, as unfiltered water may have traces of chemicals that can damage your skin over time.

Drink at least two liters of filtered water daily. Have a glass in the morning to kick start your day and then keep a bottle of water beside you throughout the day. Avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks, though.

Exfoliate Wisely

The skin on your face is sensitive. If you scrub too hard, it will leave it sore.
You don’t need to scrub hard to exfoliate, just use gentle circular motions with your washcloth and that will get your face clean, without stripping it of all the natural oils. Alpha-hydroxy acids, including citric, tartaric, lactic, malic, and glycolic acids, are all outstanding exfoliates that can be found in many common foods, such as oranges, lemons, grapes, yogurt, apples, pears, and even sugar.

When applied, alpha-hydroxy acids help to dissolve the bonds between old and new skin cells, causing the old dead skin to flake away. In turn, you’ll reveal new skin that shows fewer fine lines, and generally has a younger appearance.

Use Fenugreek

Fenugreek leaves, seeds and even oil work as an antidote for different skin problems, including wrinkles. The leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed by the body and help treat wrinkles and fine lines when this remedy is used regularly.
  • Grind a handful of fresh fenugreek leaves to make a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste on your face and leave it on overnight.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning.
Alternatively, You can also wash your face with water boiled with fenugreek seeds or apply fenugreek oil on your wrinkles and fine lines.

Use Banana Mask

This powerfully healthy fruit isn’t just good for eating, but can also be used as a creamy face mask. 


  • Mash one banana up
  • add a teaspoon of orange juice
  • add a teaspoon of plain yogurt,
  • apply this on your face
  • Then leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. The vitamin A will help fade dark spots and blemishes, while vitamin B will prevent aging, and potassium will moisturize and hydrate skin cells. Vitamin E is known as “the protector” because of its strength in fighting free radical damage and bolstering the skin’s resistance to UV damage.

Use Almonds

Almonds are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin E, iron, zinc, calcium, folic acid, and oleic acid, which combined can delay the aging process and treat wrinkles.

  • Soak some almonds in raw milk overnight.
  • Remove the skin and blend the almonds into a thick paste in the morning.
  • Apply the paste onto your skin,
  • Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • For best results, do this daily.
Note: You can also massage almond oil into your skin to delay the effects of aging.

Use Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is rich in citric acid that acts as a strong exfoliator and helps get rid of dead skin cells. It also works as a deep cleansing agent and astringent that will help fade blemishes as well as wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging, like dark circles.

  • Gently rub a little bit of lemon juice into your facial skin.
  • Leave it on for 5 or 10 minutes
  • Then rinse your face with water.
  • Do this two to three times a day.
Alternatively, you can mix one teaspoon each of yogurt, honey and vitamin E oil and lemon juice. Spread it on your face and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before washing it off.

Another option is to apply lemon juice mixed with amla powder (Indian gooseberry) onto your face to treat wrinkles and delay aging naturally.

Use Olive Oil

Olive oil is a great massage oil for the skin. It is a good source of antioxidants, like vitamins A and E, which fight skin-damaging free radicals.

Regularly massaging olive oil onto the affected skin area will moisturize, repair and even regenerate skin cells. As the oil penetrates deep into the skin, it provides long-lasting protection and keeps it moisturized.

Alternatively, you can mix a few drops of honey with a few drops of olive oil and glycerin. Massage the mixture into your skin twice daily. This will eliminate dead cells and help tighten sagged skin.
You can also massage your skin with coconut oil, emu oil, almond oil or vitamin E oil to prevent and reduce wrinkles.

You Can Massage

A great massage is one craved for things. The circular motion helps to keep proper circulation which in turn leads to strengthened and tightened skin.

Simply massage your face in slow circular motions. Take care to massage your most troubled areas including your neck. The improved blood flow will help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and prevent the development of new ones. 

 Use Pineapple

Pineapples have enzymes that promote skin elasticity, moisturize the skin, and help eliminate dead skin cells as well. The fruit is also rich in antioxidants, fibers and vitamins that boost skin health.
  • Rub pineapple flesh on the affected skin area.
  • Allow it to dry for 20 minutes,
  •  Then rinse with warm or cold water.
Alternatively, you can Apply the juice from a green pineapple onto the skin daily for five minutes before washing off. This is also a very good remedy for treating dark circles around the eyes.

There You Are With All You Need To Avoid And Treat Wrinkles

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