Wednesday, 13 December 2017

24 Ways To Reduce Belly Fat

24 Ways To Reduce  Belly Fat
Belly fat is the visceral fat that is underneath the muscles in your stomach. Visceral fat is not like the other types of fat because it is stored around the internal organs. It is also metabolized differently than other fats.

Belly fat is not only an aesthetic issue; it is also about one's health. Fat, overweight and obesity are harmful in the long run and depending on the criticality of the condition, it can substantially increase one's risk of various health ailments.

Diet and exercise are the best ways to get rid of belly fat, but there are home remedies you can use to make them much more effective. Here are some natural home remedies to lose belly fat as quickly and easily as possible.

Here are some foods and remedies you can use to avoid and to kill this belly  fat.

Use Dandelion Tea

Dandelion is a natural diuretic, which means it makes you urinate more. Some of your belly fat is probably water retention.  This is good because it flushes our toxins and extra water from your body, especially from your belly.

·       This can be consumed in the form of tea. 

  •  Put 1 tea spoon in 1cup of boiling water
  • Let it simmer for about  15 minutes
  •  Drain out the leaves 
  • Cut the lemon a squeeze out the juice 
  • Add the lemon juice to the tea 
  •  Add some honey to sweeten it

Note; If you have blocked bile ducts or any gall bladder related issues, avoid having dandelion tea, because it can cause more harm in those cases.

Use Fish Oil

Fish oil is a fatty acid that is derived from the tissues of oily fish. It contains lots of omega-3 fatty acids, including epa and dha which are very important for your health.

Fish oil promotes healthy cholesterol levels, it boosts your mood and energy levels, and it helps to maintain strong bones. The acids in fish oil also help in breaking down fat while reducing fat storage around your waistline. 

Use Green Tea

 Green tea is a well-known antioxidants.

Green tea boosts your metabolism which in turn helps you burn fat. This burns and flushes out  the fat from under the belly skin. 

  •      Put the green tea in cup
  •     Add boiling water to the green tea
  •      You can add honey for a sweetening.
  •    Take the tea every day
Note: It is best to drink green tea before meals. 

You can Chew raw garlic

Garlic is said to have an acidic compound in  it that burns even when chewed .it is this compound that is responsible for burning the belly fat .
·       Take one or two cloves, or more if you can, in the morning. Chew the garlic raw.
·       You can even crash the garlic and add lemon juice to it and take every day
However They burn and you may find it difficult initially but with time, you will develop a habit.

Use Lemon Water

Lemon water is a good detoxifier and so good for your liver. With A clean liver, metabolism is faster so the fat doesn’t get stored in the belly. 


  • Get 2 cups of lemon water
  • squeeze the lemon into the water
  • Add some of the zest in there as well for added benefits.
  • Take this  every day for best results
Note:  The best time to drink lemon water is right in the morning before drinking or eating anything else. 

Use Cranberry Juice

Cranberry is so rich in organic acids, which have an emulsifying effect on the fat deposits in our body. 

Cranberry juice has so many health benefits. Some of these benefits include: relief from UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections), respiratory disorders, kidney stones, and even cancer and heart disease.

Cranberry juice is very strong and hard to drink on its own, so you can dilute it with some water and some organic honey if needed to make it more palatable.

This Therefore is good for anyone who needs to lose belly weight.

Drink A lot Of Water


Water is life as we all know. It is a very effective tool to get rid of excess fat.

Have at least eight glasses of water a day
Alternatively, you can use the following formula to calculate your ideal intake as it can differ for people of different weights.

So, to calculate, check your weight in kilograms and divide the number by 30. Your answer will be your ideal intake in litres.

For example, you weigh 60 kilos. Then your ideal water intake is 60/30, that is 2 litres.

Use Cinnamon

Like ginger, cinnamon is thermo genic. Cinnamon is a great fat burner.

This means that cinnamon produces heat through metabolic stimulation.

Therefore, cinnamon makes your body burn fat. It also lowers your blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of diabetes.

Try to include one teaspoon of ground cinnamon in your diet daily.

Note: Cinnamon can be added to smoothies, oatmeal and in baking as well.

 Take Black Coffe

Black coffee is known for increasing body metabolism.
Get rid of the unnecessary creamy and fatty foods that are responsible for the belly fat and get prepared for an infusion of energy and thermogenesis - a stimulant for metabolism.

The increased metabolism that the coffee does to the body is responsible for belly fat burning.
So go ahead and try it.


Take Ginger Tea

Ginger is a natural digestive aid.  Ginger is also thermo genic, meaning it increases your body’s temperature to let it burn fat more efficiently.

Ginger also suppresses the production of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Stress causes weight gain, so ginger helps prevent this. Drinking ginger tea daily can really help with losing belly fat.

 Ice cold water

While this may seem like a simple choice This is the ultimate drink for a healthy diet. Iced water has some amazing benefits that are necessary for anyone looking to get their health back on track, or lose weight. 

There’s a theory that when you drink cold water your body needs to burn more calories in order to digest it into your system. Granted - you would need to drink a lot of water for this to happen - but there's other good reasons to grab a glass of water instead of a soft drink:

        Drinking water is the best way to keep your body hydrated.

    Drinking water before a meal can help you feel more full
        Instead of reaching for a snack, have a glass of water. Sometimes you're thirsty, not hungry, and you don't realize it. 


Use  Hot Peppers

Hot pepper is a great spice for fat loss especially. This pepper is good for boosting metabolism which in turn burns the fat in the body.

Hot peppers contain a substance called capsaicin which has thermo genic effects. It boosts your body’s heat production, which means it also uses more energy and burns more calories.

Habanero peppers have the most amount of capsaicin, but cayenne pepper is great too. You can add these peppers to your soups, stir fries, and other dinner dishes.

Note : You can eat hot peppers raw, cooked, or dried. 

Pineapple Smoothie
Pineapples are packed with vitamin c and a component called bromelain that help with weight loss. 

  • Simply Blend a fresh pineapple up in a  blender
  • Add bananas
  • Add ginger
  • Add coconut water to sweeten it
  • Take this two times a day every day long enough for best results.
Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are an amazing way to get more omega 3 fatty acids in your diet.

If you are a vegetarian or vegan and don’t eat anything fleshy, chia seeds are something you should be consuming.

Chia seeds are also high in antioxidants, calcium, iron, and lots of fiber too. 


  • Blend them in a blender make a powder
  • Add warm water and mix very well
  • Leave it to rest and cool
  • Separate the juice from the flakes
  • Take this every day 


White Bread

Avoid white bread. Many people indulge in toast, rolls or sandwiches without realizing that white bread is packed with sugar and offers no nutritional value. 

White bread is only a filler food that makes people feel hungry a short time after consumption. It is better to substitute white bread with whole-grain bread or opting to use whole-grain tortillas or lettuce for wraps and sandwiches. 

Sugar-free Foods

An article on MSN warns against buying into the sugar-free food craze. While the calories may be fewer, the substitute sweeteners can raise your insulin levels.

 Low-fat Food

Yea that’s right, Low-fat foods are actually not a healthier choice. An article in Cosmopolitan indicates that foods that are labeled low-fat have added sugar to compensate for flavor loss. 

Once the body processes the sugar, it is stored as fat. Additionally, people have a tendency to overeat low-fat foods because they assume that they can eat more of a “healthy” option. 

 Fried Foods

Fried foods are a killer for your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Sometimes people assume if the food item itself is healthy, it will remain healthy through the cooking process. This is simply untrue. Rather than lose the healthy properties of food, opt to broil or bake your foods. 

 High-calorie Coffee Drinks

Coffee itself can be a beneficial drink that temporarily boosts your metabolism and helps you burn fat. However, when you start adding your favorite ingredients like sugar or cream, then you quickly have an unhealthy drink. 

If you love coffee and want to keep it in your diet as you try to lose weight, then stick to regular black coffee. 

 Candy Bar


Candy bars an easy snack to grab on the go. However, those little nuggets are filled with sugar and meaningless calories. They will not fill you up, and you will be seeking out other foods within a few hours. Opt for a healthy alternative such as fresh fruit or yogurt. 


It is one much loved food among many people.  Pizzas contain processed meat and highly refined flour. There are a ton of calories in a single slice, but pizza lacks the nutritional value to keep you going.

 If you have a craving for it, opt to make your own pizza with healthier ingredients.  

Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn can be a healthy snack option. However, according to an article published on MSN, the chemicals in the microwave bag can actually cause thyroid problems. Not to mention the enormous amounts of added salt and butter. 

A better solution is making fresh popcorn on the stove and skipping the butter. 

Salad Dressing

Nothing ruins the healthy properties of salad faster than salad dressing. Because the greens are low-calorie and healthy, many people assume that they can double down on the dressing. 

However, most salad dressings have a ton of sugar and worthless calories. A better option is to make an oil-based dressing that still tastes great, but doesn’t include so much sugar. 

So , There You Are With All You Need To Cut Belly Fat

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